Between Us Between Us ii Between Us iii Between Us iv Between Us v Between Us vi

Entre Nosotros (Between Us), 2017, audiovisual installation, hammocks and hanging lights, variable dimension © Lionel Cruet 2017. Image by Tom Stoelker

Entre Nosotros I (Between Us)

Entre Nosotros (Between Us) is an audio-visual and interactive installation that recreates the illusion of a beach environment in an indoor space using video projections of beach waves around the walls of the space. The installation also includes various elements such as the sound of the ocean, a floor of sand, and elevated hammocks with lights. These elements aim to create an immersive and reflective space that reminds us of the intimate and universal experience of gathering in the place where the land and ocean meet.

This project was made possible through the support of Lincoln Center Education and Lincoln Square Neighborhood Center in New York, NY. The Community Artist Residency program at Lincoln Center Education also brought Lionel Cruet into the project, which aims to build social connections, facilitate collaboration, and create more opportunities for arts participation and creation in community-based settings across the city.