Sin Horizonte Sin Horizonte ii

Lionel Cruet, Sin horizonte (Without Horizons), 2021, oil paint on polythene canvas, 300 x 290 cm (118 x 114 inch.), © Lionel Cruet 2021. Image courtesy of Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Quito

Sin Horizonte (Without Horizons)

Sin Horizonte (Without Horizons) 2021, is a painting on a polyethylene canvas with dimensions of 300 x 290 centimeters (118 x 114 inches). The painting depicts a landscape of mangroves through black paint strokes over an orange surface. The use of industrial material, such as polyethylene canvas, is intended to highlight its use in high-risk areas, and the orange color is symbolic of caution and/or danger. The title of the work, "Without Horizons," raises questions about the idea of the landscape's horizon as one that has disappeared. The artist connects this concept to the composition and title of the work, visualizing the future of this fragile ecosystem.